Creamy Gazpacho

800 g canned or ripe tomatoes, cored, peeled and diced
1 pc small cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced
1 pc medium green bell pepper, cored, seeded and diced
1 pc small white onion, peeled and diced
2 pc garlic, peeled and diced
2 pc pandesal, torn into 1-inch pieces
1 extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp maggi savor, classic
1 tbsp maggi magi sarap
1 c nestle sour cream
2 tbsp minced basil leaves
ground black pepper, to taste
salt, to taste

1. Add tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, inion, garlic, maggi savor and pandesal in a large bowl and toss thoroughly to combine.
2. Place vegetable mixture in a blender and process while gradually drizzling in the olive oil and continue to blend until completely smooth.
3. Strain soup through strainer into a large bowl, using back of ladle or rubber spatula to press soip through strainer.
4. Stir basil and Nestle sour cream into soup and season to taste with salt and black pepper.
5. Cover and refrigerate overnight or atleast 2 hours to chill completely and develop flavors. Serve soup cold.


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